Global surface monsoon distribution
(Li and Zeng, 2003; 2005)
The geographical extent of the global surface monsoons (the figure above) can be outlined by the normalized seasonality (Li and Zeng, 2000, 2003, 2005). The global surface monsoons contains three kinds of monsoons: the tropical, subtropical, and temperate-frigid monsoons, respectively. The extent of the classical tropical monsoons is surrounded by the positions of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in summer and winter, which is the result of the two driving forcings of the tropical monsoon, the seasonal variation of the planetary thermal convection and the seasonal variation of the semi-permanent planetary waves due to the thermal contrast between ocean and continent (Zeng and Li, 2002; Li and Zeng, 2005).
A monsoon index: Dynamical normalized seasonality (DNS) index
The basics idea of the DNS index is based on intensity of the normalized seasonality of wind field. The monsoons possess very strong seasonal variation, it is therefore rational that strong and weak monsoons may be measured by use of the magnitude of seasonality of wind field. Such the DNS index is given by
||A||=(∫∫S|A|2dS)1/2 where S denotes the domain of integration (In calculations at a point (i, j),
Related References
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- Li, J. P., Z. W. Wu, Z. H. Jiang, and J. H. He, 2010: Can global warming strengthen the East Asian summer monsoon?. J. Climate, 23, 6696-6705. PDF
- Feng, J., J. P. Li, and Y. Li, 2010: A monsoon-like Southwest Australian circulation and its relation with rainfall in Southwest Western Australia. J. Climate, 23: 1334-1353. PDF
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- Li, J. P., and Q. C. Zeng, 2005: A new monsoon index, its interannual variability and relation with monsoon precipitation. Climatic and Environmental Research, 10(3): 351-365. PDF
- Li, J. P., and Q. C. Zeng, 2003: A new monsoon index and the geographical distribution of the global monsoons. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 20, 299-302. PDF
- Li, J. P., and Q. C. Zeng, 2002: A unified monsoon index. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(8), 1274, doi:10.1029/2001GL013874. PDF
- Zeng, Q. C., and J. P. Li, 2002: On the Interaction between Northern and Southern Hemispheric Atmospheres and the Essence of Tropical Monsoon. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 26, 207-226. PDF
- Li, J. P., and Q. C. Zeng, 2000: Significance of the normalized seasonality of wind field and its rationality for characterizing the monsoon. Science in China (D), 43(6): 647-653. PDF